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News Archive February 2009

New book: Gendered Journeys, Mobile Emotions

Authors: Gayle Letherby and Gillilan Reynolds, Ashgate ISBN: 978-0-7546-7034-6 This title is also available as an eBook, ISBN 978-0-7546-9272-0

It is increasingly acknowledged that an analysis of emotions is necessary to fully understand the social world, and recent research on transport, travel and mobilities has begun to consider the gendered nature of public and personal life in relation to this sphere.

The focus of this multidisciplinary and auto/biographical volume is the emotional relationship that individuals and groups have with different means of travel. Attention is given to a variety of travel experiences, including travelling in trains, planes, cars, buses and ships, as well as biking, cycling, running and walking, from the perspective of travellers and those who earn their living in assisting these experiences of others. Imaginary travel and the relationships between art and travel are also considered.

Adopting innovative approaches to experiential material ranging from personal memories to empirical research, Gendered Journeys, Mobile Emotions opens up and illuminates an interdisciplinary debate about the gendered, emotive and emotional nature of travelling.

Arts – photographic project website – So blue So blue

Call for papers: ABORNE Conference on 'How is Africa Transforming Border Studies?'

Hosted by the School of Social Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa 10-14 September 2009

The African Borderlands Research Network - ABORNE ( - is an interdisciplinary network of over 70 academic researchers and institutions in Europe, Africa and North America.

Its members are from all disciplines of the social sciences, with an emphasis on anthropology and history. They share a long-term interest in all aspects of international borders and trans-boundary phenomena in Africa. The emphasis is largely on borderlands as physical spaces and
social spheres, but the network is also concerned with regional flows of people and goods as well as economic processes that may be located at some distance from the geographical border. From April 2009, ABORNE will be funded by the European Science Foundation as an ESF networking programme.

ABORNE will hold it's third annual meeting at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, from 10-14 September 2009. Papers are invited from scholars of African borderlands and borders at all levels. Financial support is available for participants.

Both 'border theory' and border studies as a field owe much of their cross-disciplinary origins and development to scholars of the American Southwest. By the late 1990s, spurred by the rapid development of the European Union, Europeanist scholars had contributed not only a wealth of empirical studies but also significant theoretical insights and concepts to border studies. What then of Africa, the peripheral poor relation of the area studies' family? African borders have often been seen as incomplete or exceptional in relation to mainstream border
theory - due to their supposed porosity, negotiability, arbitrariness, and lack of impact on popularly rooted social identities. Increasingly, however, Africanist scholars are making two arguments concerning the supposed exceptionalism of African borders. Firstly, many African
borders are not indeed as irrelevant, porous and arbitrary as widely assumed. Secondly, many of the characteristics of African borders, in their diversity, are also present elsewhere. With increasingly global theorising, the US-Mexico and European borders may well turn out to be
the exceptions to the global norm. African borders will contribute to helping us illuminate the functioning and meaning of borders in the global context. It is this process of bringing theory into Africa and Africa into theory which guides the present conference.

There are many characteristics of border management, border life, and borderlanders that operate at borders everywhere, that inform the comparative and analytical foundations of border theory, and to which African borders are no exceptions. Indeed, African borders often
exemplify extreme border characteristics. While for example the performance of sovereignty and control is a high-profile feature of any border post, it is particularly salient at African borders where the performance may exist in inverse relation to the substance of the state.
Similarly, as borderlanders everywhere produce their own border theory rooted in social practice, thereby contesting the conventionally bounded citizenship imaginary of the state, the distance between borderlander and state claims to territory and identity in Africa are often
significant, with few avenues for closing the gap. Few African countries, in contrast to Mexico and some others, have authorized dual nationality for its citizens, despite the impossibility of preventing it in practice.

Apart from furthering existing border theory, the empirical and theoretical insights gained from studying African borderlands are already transforming the wider field. ABORNE's 2009 annual meeting will offer a unique platform for both established experts in the field and younger scholars with empirical insights "fresh from the field" to explore the most fruitful avenues of investigation. Together, we will seek to contribute more to the field than an additional set of empirical case studies. We aim to sharpen the cutting edge of the borderlands research agenda for years to come, and thereby contribute to the re-making of border theory in the 21st century.

Prospective areas of current and future enquiry include the meaning of 'national' borders in pre-, post-, multi- or trans-national societies. While the Westphalian map remains in place, giving borders transnational political identities of their own, to what extent do they have stability as cultural markers? Should we start to consider national differences as purely political and economic matters: are there customs stations for customs? Using the idea of borders as conduits, how do borders facilitate cultural exchange just as they equilibrate the disparities of
value of commercial exchange, disparities that are themselves reflected in culture and in social contestation? In many senses, therefore, the territorial border becomes less a boundary dividing identities into two nations than a bridge linking them in mutual dependence. Are these new structures? Can these orders substitute the state in the long run? Might the strength and persistence of local political models lead to the transformation of the state as the only and unique model of organised power? Or do they foreshadow a specific form of interlacement between non-state actors and the state that will lead to heterarchical political settings in Africa and elsewhere? If so, what kinds of new borders - manifested physically, discursively, symbolically - are arising around such political forms?

We invite paper submissions on the following themes, but also welcome other related topics:

1. Conceptual frameworks for borderland research in Africa and the world
2. Boundaries and borderlands in a comparative perspective:
methodologies and theoretical insights
3. The meaning of 'national' borders in pre-, post-, multi- or
trans-national societies
4. Borderlands and cross-border economies
5. Borderlands and cross-border politics
6. Mobility across fixed and mobile borders
7. Borders in African philosophies
8. Inserting the history into borders and borderlands into history
9. Representations of borders and border crossing in cultural production
10. Borders, identity and borderland identities

Within this wide range of themes, we are seeking papers with the following characteristics:

* Papers that are conceptual in nature;
* Papers that seek to relate African fieldwork data to larger bodies of
(theoretical) work;
* Papers that are explicitly comparative in focus.

Titles and abstracts are due by 30 April, 2009. To apply, please send the following information to both David Coplan ( and Tara Polzer (
* Name
* Institutional affiliation
* Contact Details (email and phone)
* Abstract (150-200 words)
* Whether you are already a member of ABORNE
* Whether you wish to become a member of ABORNE

For more information please contact David Coplan (, Tara Polzer ( or Wolfgang Zeller ( or see

Tara Polzer
Senior Researcher
Forced Migration Studies Programme
University of the Witwatersrand


General Contact Details for Forced Migration Studies Programme
PO Box 76, 2050 WITS, South Africa

Appel à communication : Tourisme - Théorie - Géographie

Journées de la Commission de Géographie du tourisme et des loisirs Comité National Français de Géographie

Sion, 15-17 juin 2009

L’approche géographique du tourisme permet une perspective d'une part sur les multiples phénomènes géographiques dont le tourisme est co-constitutif, et, d'autre part, sur les différentes dimensions géographiques du tourisme. Elle s'insère ainsi dans un contexte disciplinaire et interdisciplinaire où de multiples conceptualisations se développent plus ou moins rapidement. Si les investigations empiriques - partiellement enregistrées par les différentes journées précédentes de la commission - réussissent à mettre au jour des phénomènes nouveaux et à décrire avec précision les contenus du tourisme, l'apport de la théorie et la confrontation entre différentes perspectives, démarches, modèles et concepts - des "imaginations géographiques" - ont été moins élaborées. D'où l'importance du questionnement du lien entre théorie, tourisme et géographie.

1. Quels théories et modèles novateurs pour appréhender avec plus de pertinence le tourisme?

Le tourisme se développe ; les manières des géographes de modéliser et conceptualiser le phénomène aussi. Dans un contexte où l'importation de nombreux modèles, théories et concepts, catégories - et donc l'amarrage de la géographie aux sciences humaines et sociales - est dorénavant monnaie courante, on peut se poser la question de savoir quelles descriptions, explications et interprétations nouvelles sont possibles à l'aide de nouveaux outils conceptuels. Peu importe l'origine de ceux-ci : la complexité du phénomène nécessite une créativité de la part des géographes. On peut lister, à titre indicatif, quelques-unes des élaborations théoriques qui pourraient s'avérer pertinentes pour l'analyse du phénomène :

1. Concernant la caractérisation du champ phénoménal, le tourisme est construit comme "scapes and flows" (Urry, 2000), prolongeant en cela Appadurai (1996) et ses "ethnoscapes" afin de désigner une réalité mouvante.
2. Afin de désigner ce que fait le touriste, la notion de "performance" vise l'expressivité du corps du touriste, mais aussi le caractère "programmé" des pratiques. Il est à noter que la notion d’"habitus touristique" (Vester, 1998) pour désigner les récurrences dans les pratiques touristiques et l’acquisition de compétences pour être touriste pose la question des conditions de possibilité de la transposition de ce concept du quotidien vers le hors-quotidien.
3. Le travail sur ce qui constitue l’espace proprement touristique, la catégorisation des lieux touristiques (ville-station, station à fonctions urbaines diversifiées, ville à fonction touristique, district touristique etc.) afin de désigner types de lieux (Equipe MIT, 2002) a gagné en diversité. Concernant l’époque contemporaine, les "environnements thématisés" – themed environments - (Williams & Shaw, 2004) qui forment l'espace touristique de la « société expérientelle » - Erlebnisgesellschaft – (Schulze, 1997) sont convoqués.
4. Cette réflexion sur le lien tourisme/société a conduit à la proposition du tourisme comme "genre commun" qui "infuse" la société-Monde (Lussault, 2007). Parallèlement, le terme "post-tourisme" comme notion désignant la "dé-différenciation" des pratiques touristiques (Urry, 1995) est proposé.
5. Afin de comprendre les effets des pratiques touristiques sur l’écosystème, la notion de "tourisme durable" a été mise en avant, notamment comme critique d’un tourisme de masse. Elle vise à maîtriser ces effets et proposer des pratiques qui minimisent l’action anthropique sur le milieu bio-physique. S’agit-il d’une scène politique et commerciale ou d’un concept scientifique ?
6. Afin de penser avec plus de précision ce qui est à l’œuvre dans le déplacement touristique, la notion de « situation touristique » comme espace-temps spécifique d’un projet individuel est proposé. Elle conduit à l’interrogation de la signification de toutes les pratiques, y compris un nouveau rapport au sexuel et au corps, notamment dans l’optique de la « libération sexuelle » des années 1960.

Ce ne sont là que quelques exemples sans visée exhaustive et nous invitons volontiers à proposer d’autres manières de penser le tourisme.

Deux aspects complémentaires pourraient être évoqués. Primo, les apports des différentes disciplines (psychologie, économie, sociologie, anthropologie, politologie, psychanalyse, histoire, etc.) pourraient aussi être convoqués afin de féconder les recherches géographiques sur le tourisme dans une optique d’hybridation (Dogan & Pahre, 1991). Secundo, cette investigation des concepts novateurs peut également porter, dans une visée réflexive, sur l’épistémologie de la géographie du tourisme, sur les successions des paradigmes ainsi que sur les modèles de l'homme utilisés pour désigner le touriste ou les autres acteurs du tourisme etc.. Il convient en effet d'exercer la critique afin que la mesure de la pertinence de ces modèles continue. Cela permettrait également d'identifier des points aveugles des perspectives théoriques développées dans l’approche géographique du tourisme.

2. Quelles implications la prise en compte du tourisme a-t-elle pour les théories et modèles en géographie ?

La quasi-totalité des théories et modèles en géographie a été bâtie sans référence au tourisme. Ni les modèles structuraux classiques de l'urbain, de la localisation des entreprises, ni les modèles d'action n'ont été proposés en intégrant le tourisme. Les seuls où le tourisme apparaît sont les théories sur l'imaginaire et les représentations. Le raisonnement géographique construisant un monde sans tourisme n'est plus pertinent dans une « civilisation du loisir » (Dumazedier). D'où la tentative d'évaluer la façon dont la prise en compte du phénomène touristique peut avoir des impacts sur la théorie géographique.

Or, on peut avancer l’argument suivant : l'injection de phénomènes touristiques dans les modèles et théories de la géographie fait opérer un changement radical à ceux-ci. L'on peut supposer que la prise en compte du touristique rend inopérable ou au mieux nécessite d'amender les théories et modèles en géographie. La question se pose ainsi : "la géographie peut-elle s'agréger à un tel phénomène, l'ériger en objet propre et le traiter sans elle-même se remettre, un tant soit peu, en cause ?" (Lazzarotti, p. 262, in Stock, 2003). La réponse est à l'évidence un défi immense pour les chercheurs : il s'agit d'une part de cerner l'apport des phénomènes touristiques pour la modélisation en géographie et, d'autre part, proposer à terme de nouvelles "modélisations avec tourisme". Il s'agit là d'un défi, car il convient de mettre à l'épreuve l'ensemble des modèles géographiques et tester ainsi leur congruence avec les phénomènes touristiques. Les domaines que l'on peut d'ores et déjà évoquer sont :

1. La centralité comme concept clé des modèles d'urbanisation et d'organisation des systèmes urbains où les pratiques touristiques et les lieux touristiques n’ont pas encore trouvé leur place. On peut également revenir sur l’ensemble de la géographie urbaine qui se focalise sur les villes comme seul type de lieu urbain, mais évacue les stations touristiques et la part du tourisme dans les processus d'urbanisation, et ce à tous les niveaux d’échelle. Par exemple, les pratiques de la ville restent centrées sur les résidents et oublient les pratiques en situation touristique (« habiter touristiquement »).
2. Les systèmes de mobilité dont le traitement est concentré sur les déplacement « quotidiens », et les « circulations migratoires ». Or, quelle est la place des pratiques touristiques dans les systèmes individuels de mobilité ?
3. La géographie économique où la circulation des flux financiers entre les lieux de production et les lieux de consommation touristique seraient intéressants à connaître dans une optique de l’économie « présentielle » (Davezies). De même que le concept de district industriel pourrait servir à l’investigation des districts touristiques.
4. Le croisement du tourisme et du géopolitique manque encore de travaux approfondis ; pourquoi pas à travers une discussion de la « critical geopolitics » ?
5. Les référents géographiques de l’identité personnelle ou collective constituent aujourd’hui une interrogation banale ; cependant, la question de la place des lieux de vacances est évacuée. Ceci constitue une entrée spécifique de la question du rapport à l’espace et les « cultures d’espace », bouleversée par le tourisme. Cette interrogation pourrait aussi engendrer un questionnement des géographies culturelle, sociale, politique, etc..

Les communications attendues pourraient viser à enrichir la théorie géographique par la prise en compte du tourisme dans les conceptualisations et l'on invite des communications faisant le point sur l'enrichissement possible des modèles et concepts géographiques en prenant en compte le phénomène touristique. Ceci pourrait être le lieu de confrontations avec les géographes qui ne sont pas spécialistes de tourisme. C’est pourquoi cet appel à communication s’adresse non seulement aux géographes « du tourisme », mais aussi aux représentants de la géographie culturelle, sociale, urbaine etc. dans les recherches desquels le tourisme fait irruption sans qu’ils sachent quoi en faire et/ou où le tourisme reste un phénomène étrange, invisible ou impensé.

Nous invitons les personnes intéressées à envoyer les propositions de communications au plus tard le 2 mars 2009. Le comité scientifique rendra sa réponse avant le 1er avril 2009. Elles doivent être envoyées au secrétariat du colloque ( en une page comprenant l’exposé du sujet, le questionnement et d’une problématique. Le comité d’organisation est disponible pour répondre, le cas échéant, aux différentes questions.

Références :
Appadurai A., 1996, Modernity at Large. Cultural Dimensions of Globalisation, Minnesota Press
Davezies L., La République et ses territoires. La circulation invisible des richesses, Paris, Seuil, 2008
Dogan & Pahre, 1991, L’Innovation dans les sciences sociales. La marginalité créatrice. Paris, PUF
Dumazedier J., 1962, Vers une civilisation du loisir ? Paris
Lussault M., 2007, « Tourisme, un genre commun », in : Duhamel Ph. & Knafou R. (dir.), Les mondes urbains du tourisme. Paris, Belin
Schulze G.,1997, Erlebnisgesellschaft. Munich, Campe
Shaw G. & Williams A., 2004, Tourism and Tourism Spaces, Londres, Sage
Stock M. (coord.), 2003, Le tourisme. Lieux, acteurs, enjeux. Paris, Belin
Urry J., 1995, Consuming places. Londres, Routledge
Urry J., 2000, Sociology Beyond Society. Mobilities for the 21st century. Londres, Routledge
Vester H.-G., 1997, "Tourismus im Licht soziologischer Theorie. Ansätze bei Erving Goffman, Pierre Bourdieu und der World-SystemTheory". Voyage, pp. 67-85

Comité d’organisation : Unité d’Enseignement et de Recherche en Etudes touristiques, Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch, Sion
Mathis Stock (responsable) :
Christophe Clivaz :
Christine Eden (secrétariat) :
Léopold Lucas :
Stéphane Nahrath :

Comité scientifique :
Jean-Christophe Gay (président, Université de Nice & IRD, Nouméa), Antoine Beyer (Université Paris-IV Sorbonne), Christine Chivallon (CNRS, CEAN, Bordeaux), Christophe Clivaz (IUKB, Sion), Vincent Coëffé (ESC, La Rochelle), Bernard Debarbieux (Université de Genève), Jean-Michel Décroly (Université libre de Bruxelles), Isabelle Géneau de la Marlière (Université Paris-I, Panthéon-Sorbonne), Olivier Graefe (Université de Fribourg), André-Frédéric Hoyaux (Université de Bordeaux III), Stéphane Nahrath (IUKB, Sion), Emmanuel Reynard (Université de Neuchâtel), Ola Söderström (Université de Neuchâtel), Mathis Stock (IUKB, Sion), Philippe Violier (Université d’Angers).

Conference: The Nakba: Sixty Years of Dispossession, Sixty Years of Resistance

The Brunei Gallery - SOAS - University of London | 21st-22nd February 2009

Purchase your ticket here: Ticket includes lunch and refreshments

Day One: Saturday 21st February

Registration and refreshments: 9.00am-9.30am

Keynote: Walid Khalidi (Co-founder of the Institute of Palestine Studies) From 1947 to 1897: From Partition to Basle 9.30am-10.30am

Session One: Memory, Erasure, and the Search for Palestinian History 10.30am-12.30pm

Chair: John Chalcraft (London School of Economics)

Karma Nabulsi (University of Oxford) Resistance History from Below and the Collective Retrieval of Memory: Towards a New Historiography

Ilan Pappe (University of Exeter) The Struggle Over Memory: the Future Agenda

Randa Farah (University of Western Ontario) Palestinian Refugees and their Oral Histories: History's silence, Memory's Burden

Lunch: 12.30pm-1.30pm

Session Two: The Challenge of Sources and the Persistence of Myth 1.30pm-3.00pm

Chair: Ilan Pappe (University of Exeter)

Saleh Abdel-Jawad (Birzeit University) The Credibility and Limits of Refugee Oral Testimonies

Isabelle Humphries (University of Surrey)

Reading from a Different Archive: Alternative History and Palestinian Internally Displaced of the Galilee

Norman Finkelstein (independent researcher) The June 1967 War: What Bestsellers Proclaim, What Scholarship and the Documentary Record Show

Refreshments: 3.00pm-3.15pm

Session Three: Cultural Resistance 3.15pm-4.45pm

Chair: Bashir Abu-Manneh (Barnard College, New York)

Salwa Mikdadi (Curator and Publisher) Creative Uprising - Palestinian Artists Alternative Strategies of Resistance

Suleiman Mansour (Artist) Artists in the Time of Revolution: Demands, Tensions, Contradictions

Sinan Antoon (New York University) Darwish and the Poetics of Resistance

Refreshments: 4.45pm-5.00pm

Session Four: History of the Palestinian National Liberation Movement 5.00pm-6.45pm

Chair: Gilbert Achcar (School of Oriental and African Studies)

Bashir Abu Manneh (Barnard College, New York) Problems of Palestinian Liberation

Fadle Naqib (University of Waterloo) The Economic Orientation of the Palestinian National Movement

Roger Heacock (Birzeit University) Stones, Bullets, Ballots: Intifada, An Unfinished Drama in Several Acts

Khaled Hroub (University of Cambridge) The Decline of Secular Nationalism and the Rise of Political Islam

Day Two: Sunday 22nd February

Session Five: Social and Economic History of Palestinian Resistance 10:45am-12:45pm

Chair: Roger Heacock (Birzeit University)

Musa Budeiri (Birzeit University) What Would a Class Analysis of Palestinian history Conclude about Possibilities of Palestinian Resistance? (tbc)

Penny Johnson (Birzeit University) "The Big Ones Can Do Nothing": Reflections on the Histories of Women's Struggles for Family, Community and Nation in the Lens of the Palestinian present

Ahmad Sa'di (Ben Gurion University) Resisting to Survive: The Palestinians in Israel During the First Two Decades

Lori Allen (University of Cambridge) Fatah and Hamas: Corruption and Political Ethics in Palestine

Lunch: 12.45pm-2.00pm

Session Six: Forces of Counter-Resistance: The (Still) Unvanquished Enemies of Palestine

Chair: Fadle Naqib (University of Waterloo)

Moshe Machover (Kings College, London) The long-term strategy of Zionist Colonisation

Seumas Milne (The Guardian) The Role of Imperialism in the Palestine Tragedy

Gilbert Achcar (School of Oriental and African Studies) Collusions and Illusions: Arab States and Palestinian Liberation

Laleh Khalili (School of Oriental and African Studies) The Location of Palestine in Global Counterinsurgencies

Refreshments: 4.00pm-4.15pm

Session Seven - Roundtable discussion: The Meaning of Gaza: History Reconsidered in Times of Catastrophe 4:15pm-6:00pm

Chair tbc

Karma Nabulsi, Saleh Abdel-Jawad, Gilbert Achcar, Norman Finkelstein, Ilan Pappe

Please note SEATS ARE LIMITED - book in advance

Price: £25 (£15 concessions, and £40 organisations) All tickets include lunch and refreshments

To buy your tickets: Online -

By cheque. Send cheque payable to SOAS Palestine Society with attached note of
email address to: SOAS Palestine Society | Thornhaugh Street | Russell Square | London, WC1H 0XG

Location: SOAS Brunei Gallery | Thornhaugh Street | Russell Square | London, WC1H 0XG Contact: |

European Sociological Association Conference, Research Stream 14: Chronic Regional Conflicts: Focus on the Israeli-Palestinian Case

Lisbon, Portugal, 2-5 September 2009.

Following the recent escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the spontaneous interventions of colleagues and social scientists in the ESA discussion list, which caused the managers of the list to change the discussion list into a moderated discussion list, a number of us thought it might be more productive if there were a structure within ESA for a more professional (sociological), systematic and in-depth discussion of the factors that are responsible for the “chronicity” of this regional conflict as well of the possible strategies for resolving it. After consultation with the Lisbon Conference Programme Chair and the Local Organizing Committee, we decided that this can best be achieved at this time, through the constitution of a Research Stream. So we proposed the formation of a Research Stream on “Chronic Regional Conflicts” whose priority focus for the 9th ESA Lisbon Conference would be the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Concurrently, we sent a summary Call for Papers to the Conference Organizers, that was approved and has already been loaded on the ESA conference webpage, as Research Stream 14 (

As a Research Stream, we have the right to organize 8 sessions, two of which will be 2-hour sessions and 6 1.5-hour sessions. The convenors welcome contributions, especially by Israeli and Palestinian sociologists/social scientists, on (1) the factors behind the long-standing Israeli-Palestinian conflict and (2) on strategies for a permanent and genuine resolution. Although the focus of RS 14 in the Lisbon conference is on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the convenors welcome comparative studies of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with other “chronic” regional conflicts – resolved or not and especially from young scholars- that would shed light on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and point to the road for a permanent and genuine resolution.

We remind prospective contributors to RS 14 that they should submit the abstracts of their papers by February 26, 2009, using the official Online Abstract Submission Form and following the Instructions and Guidelines for Online Abstract Submissions published in the conference website (


1. Nicholas Petropoulos, Sociologist, former director of the “Emergencies Research Center”, Athens, Greece (
2. David Seddon, School of Development Studies, University of East Aglia, UK, (

Séminaire : La promenade au tournant des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles (Belgique-Europe).

Jeudi 19 février 2009 | Bruxelles (1050)

Se déplacer d’un lieu à un autre pour le plaisir est un comportement qui, en Europe, se développe surtout à partir du siècle des Lumières. Plusieurs chercheurs, en France et en Angleterre, ont récemment montré l’intérêt d’étudier la pratique de la promenade dans une perspective historique en la replaçant dans le contexte du développement des loisirs, de l’essor de nouveaux modes de sociabilité, de la réalisation d’importants aménagements urbains ou de l’évolution du rapport à la nature. Le présent colloque a pour objectif d’explorer l’histoire de la pratique de la promenade en Belgique au tournant des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles en la comparant avec la situation dans d’autres pays européens (Angleterre, France, Italie).

Mot clés : promenade, promeneur, Paris, Bruxelles, boulevards, remparts, Londres, Belgique, Bath, Spa, Prince de Ligne, cheval, jardin botanique, archéologie, siècle des Lumières
Bruxelles (1050) (Université Libre de Bruxelles - NB2VIS - 50, avenue F.D. Roosevelt )

Séminaire : Adieu l’automobile ? Entre faillite de l'automobile américaine et mode de vie écolo.

Mardi 28 avril 2009 | Un débat d’actualité avec Gabriel Dupuy (auteur des Territoires de l'automobile) et Mathieu Flodeau (auteur des Cultures du volant XX°-XXI° siècles).

Paris (75006) (Café de Flore (1e étage). 172, Boulevard St Germain. Métro Saint-Germain. )
mardi 28 avril 2009

Association Les Cafés géographiques
Gilles Fumey
8 Rue des Anglais
75005 Paris

EuroMeSCo papers on instability in Western Mediterranean

A EuroMeSCo Paper is now available online. Paper 75, available only in French, studies the risks characterising the Western Mediterranean and how the instability in this area is managed, with its focus being the towns of Ceuta and Melilla on the Gibraltar Strait.

To read more visit:

Forthcoming Mobilities issue

Mobilities, Volume 4 Issue 1 2009

ublication Frequency: 3 issues per year
Subjects: Demography; Economic and Political Geography; Human Geography; ICT; Migration; Planning, Housing & Land Economy; Sociology; Tourism; Tourism & Leisure; Transport; Urban Communications & Technology; Urban Sociology - Urban Studies; Urban Studies; Publisher: Routledge

The Road Less Travelled - New Directions in Children's and Young People's Mobility 1 – 10 Authors: John Barker; Peter Kraftl; John Horton; Faith Tucker

Student Im/mobility in Birzeit, Palestine 11 – 35 Author: Christopher Harker

Is Children's Independent Mobility Really Independent? A Study of Children's Mobility Combining Ethnography and GPS/Mobile Phone Technologies 37 – 58 Authors: Miguel Romero Mikkelsen; Pia Christensen

'Driven to Distraction?': Children's Experiences of Car Travel 59 – 76 Author: John Barker

Challenging Minority World Privilege: Children's Outdoor Mobilities in Post-apartheid South Africa 77 – 101 Author: Matthew C. Benwell

Moving Into and Through the Public World: Children's Perspectives on their Encounters with Adults 103 – 118 Author: Sue Milne

Urban Beaches, Virtual Worlds and 'The End of Tourism' 119 – 138 Author: Tim Gale

Flows of Meaning, Cultures of Movements - Urban Mobility as Meaningful Everyday Life Practice
139 – 158 Author: Ole B. Jensen

Reverse Diaspora and the Evolution of a Cultural Tradition: The Case of the New Zealand 'Overseas Experience' 159 – 175 Authors: Jude Wilson; David Fisher; Kevin Moore

New Book: Gordon, A. (2008) Naked Airport: A Cultural History of the World’s Most Revolutionary Structure University of Chicago Press

New Book: Stein, R. (2008) Itineraries in Conflict: Israelis, Palestinians and the Political Lives of Tourism Duke University Press

New Book: - Sessions Rugh, S. (2008) Are We There Yet? The Golden Age of American Family Vacations

University Press of Kansas - Not especiafically on the Med but of interest to those looking at family and vacations

New Book: Chin, C. (2008) Cruising in the Global Economy: Profits, Pleasure and Work at Sea Aldershot: Ashgate

Workshop: "Contemporary challenges for the Mediterranean basin"

An IGU programme for the Mediterranean Human Development initiated by Late President Adalberto Vallega
Un programme de l’UGI pour le développement humain de la Méditerranée fondé par President Adalberto Vallega

2009 Workshop

"Contemporary challenges for the Mediterranean basin"

24 February 2009
Home of Geography and the Italian Geographical Society, Rome
via della Navicella 12, Villa Celimontana

Organized by Maria Paradiso, MRP Executive Secretary
( )
The Mediterranean Renaissance Programme-MRP of the IGU-International Geographical Union organizes a one-day workshop which includes invited presentations on crucial topics for the Euro-Mediterranean area. The general topic "Contemporary challenges for the Mediterranean basin", will be devoted to: environmental changes; migration; information society and tourism; and structured in 4 sessions:
1. Climatic changes and impacts (Chair and organiser: Annick Douguedroit, France)
2. Migration in the Mediterranean Region: between human development and security (Chair and organiser: Ali Toumi, Tunisia)
3. Information Society (Chair and organiser: Maria Paradiso, Italy)
4. Tourism and sustainability (Chair and organiser: Giuliano Bellezza, Italy).

MRP board track leaders provided initial rationales which are summarised as follows and these will constitute the basis for papers.

1. Climatic changes and impacts (Track leader: Annick Douguédroit, France)

Current climate change which has a very high probability to continue beyond the end of that century, presents in the Mediterranean peculiar features rather more threatening than in many other areas in the world. In summer temperature is supposed to undergo one of the most important increase in the world when it is still high and rainfall is supposed to decrease while the area is not yet rainy. Such climate change features will cause impacts of great importance on human beings and many activities. For example, summer tourism will encounter difficulties when intermediate seasons favourable to tourism will grow longer. Generally all the water resources, even from the near mountains, will decrease when population will increase. Yields of rain culture like wheat will diminish, when irrigation will be limited by the water resources decrease. On the whole adaptation to climate change will be an urgent necessity in all the Mediterranean Basin.

2. Migration in the Mediterranean Region: between human development and security (Track leader: Ali Toumi, Tunisia)

The Mediterranean has always been the seat of intense trade flows of goods and men. It becomes a very dynamic interface economically and culturally between the three continents that border it. The role played by one of the seas, without doubt, the most vibrant in the world, remains quite real and increasingly confirmed. This does not obviously lack poses many problems in the political, economic and human resources that each of the Mediterranean nations is called upon to manage as much as possible, i.e. safeguarding its own interests but without any damages for neighbors. Whatever the precautions taken by both sides, these policies are not without generating, now as in the past, many conflicts. Before combining the efforts of developing security requirements, these policies must also deal with social attitudes that are often unpredictable and difficult to control. Four principal themes can guide the reflection of geography in this folder:
-Structure of migration flows in the Mediterranean Region
-Socio-economic constraints and socio-cultural models in migration flows
-Human development in the Mediterranean Region: heterogeneity or homogenization?
- Socio-political attitudes towards migration flows in the Mediterranean Region

3. Information Society (Track leaders: Aharon Kellerman, Israel, Maria Paradiso, Italy)

The emergence of the information society has become a global trend. It implies a mass adoption of communication technologies, mainly mobile phones and the Internet. Mediterranean countries at large and peripheral regions in them in particular present an important arena for understanding of the role of traditional communications practices as potential obstacles or promoting agents for the adoption of information societies and their impacts.

4. Tourism and sustainability (Track leader: Giuliano Bellezza, Italy).

The main stream of tourism movements in the Mediterranean Region still follows the original one way southbound direction. Today minor stream (northbound) has similar features: wealthy people on their vacation, looking for some days of happy life, divided between leisure and culture. We find major differences when considering the sustainability. The problem of environmental quality disruption is more or less the same, though the limitations are stronger in the European sector. Things are substantially different when looking to the human impact. In the European shores the danger doesn’t come from southern tourists. But there is a growing number of irregular immigrants, selling a lot of merchandise (sun glasses, blankets, beverages, and even gems and “ethnic” jewellery). Mixed among them, there undeniably are drug sellers and other no recommendable people. On the southern coast, the sight of the wealthy European tourists sometimes drive local people to the consciousness of their too much poorer conditions, while some behaviours normal on an European beach will be considered offensive in the non European ones. Therefore, problems of cultural relations and sustainability must also be considered.

9.15 Welcome address: Mahmoud Ashour, Coordinator, MRP
9.30-11.00 Session n.1 "Environmental climate impacts". Chair and organiser: Annick Douguédroit
- Maria Sala Sanjaume: "Traditional and present day human impacts in the Mediterranean landscapes",
- Annick Douguédroit: "Environmental changes: the Mediterranean "Hotspot",
- Mahmoud Ashour: "Sea level rise: the Nile Delta".
11.00-11.30 Break
11.30-12.30 Session n.2 “Migration in the Mediterranean Region: between human development and security”. Chair and organiser: Alì Toumi
Armando Montanari, Human mobility for the Euromediterranean region"
Alì Toumi, Nouvelles donnes euro-africaines et migrations clandestines transméditerranéennes.
12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-15.00 Session n.3 "Information Society in the Mediterranean" Chair and organiser: Maria Paradiso
Aharon Kellerman, Perspectives on international communications in the Mediterranean basin.
Emmanuel Eveno, Les collectivités locales et le développement de la Société de l'Information dans les pays méditerranéens
Maria Paradiso, Information society policies: the Italian case
15.00-15.30 Break
15.30-17.00 Session n.4 "Tourism and sustainability" Chair and organiser: Giuliano Bellezza
Anton Gosar, Towards sustainable tourism development in the upper Adriatic?
Theano S. Terkenli, Networks of dependency and partnerships: problems and prospects for tourism sustainability in the Aegean.
Igor Jelen, Norbert Weixlbaumer, Globalised tourism and local development: an apparent contradiction.

17.00-18.00 MRP steering committee business meeting

Accomodation: Special rates for the presenters and audience are agreed with Hotel Lancelot (Home page: E-mail: ) please mention MRP for discounted reservation.

MRP Steering Committee

Mahmoud Ashour, MRP Coordinator, Chair IGU Commission on Arid Lands Humankind and Environment, University Ain Shams, Cairo, Egypt (;
Maria Paradiso, MRP Executive Secretary, Vice Chair, IGU Commission on Geography of Information Society, University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy (

? Ronald F. Abler, IGU President
? Antoine Bailly, Chair of IGU Commission on Applied Geography, University of Geneva (
? Giuliano Bellezza, IGU Vice President, Università della Tuscia Viterbo (
? Anne Buttimer, IGU Past President, University of Dublin, (
? Annick Douguédroit, Former Chair of IGU Commission on Climate Change, University of Provence, Aix en Provence (
? Anton Gosar, Chair of IGU Commission on Political Geography University of Primorska, Koper/Capodistria (
? Aharon Kellerman, IGU Vice President, former Chair of IGU Commission on Geography of the Information Society (
? Mohamad Riad, Ain Shams University, Cairo (
? Maria Sala, University of Barcelona (
? Theano S. Terkenli, University of the Aegean, (
? Alì Toumi, General Secretary of Association des Géographes Tunisiens, University of Tunis (

Conference: Cultural Histories of Sociability, Spaces and Mobility

University of York, Department of History Cultural History.

9-11 July 2009

Spatial mobility has moved to the centre of lively debates in a number of key areas of social inquiry. Terms such as 'travel', 'mobility', 'displacement', 'diaspora', 'frontier', 'transience', 'dislocation', 'fluidity' and 'permeability' are central to thinking about the nature of subjectivity and hence the formation of identity on any number of geographical scales and social dimensions. In particular, some scholars argue that the contemporary meaning and practice of what it is to belong is changing as new technologies of transport, along with communications, help to reduce the power of traditional places to define personal and communal identities. Some commentators even suggest that unparalleled levels of mobility are shaping a 'post-societal' world of extreme individualization in which nation-states and civil societies are being replaced by global 'citizens' moving endlessly through worldwide 'networks and flows'. Critics argue that this assumption of unbounded movement and geographically fluid identities is unwarranted, and that what matters is understanding how inequalities of mobility arise and with what consequences for social equity and ecological sustainability. But without a sure grasp of the historical precedents to these scenarios, it is all too easy to misconstrue the significance of the changes that are taking place.

This conference therefore aims to explore how, from the mediaeval period and earlier through to (post)modern times, what it means to be fully social has evolved in relation to spatial movement, whether of an everyday or an exceptional character. What role did mobility - and immobility - play in defining the meaning of participation in social, economic or political life and the spatial scale at which such participation took place? how were such meanings formed, sustained and dissolved by particular social structures, mechanisms or processes? and with what consequences for the lived practice of collective and individual life? The conference will address the complex and heterogeneous ways in which historical (im)mobilities were both produced and consumed in relation to human sociability in any sphere and at any geographical scale. It will explore how the modes of governance and organization, infrastructures, vehicles and other artefacts which together constituted transport or mobility systems as material cultures acted as intermediaries engaging, ordering and distributing the spaces, conceptions and practices of communal participation from micro to macro levels. Understood in this way, the highway, for instance, implicated in the making of mobility networks from mediaeval times to the computer age, emerges as a key notion. It has played an important role in conceptions of a civic sphere of free movement and speech since mediaeval law enshrined the right of passage along certain designated routes. Important for the movement of political correspondents in the 18th century and the formation of a nascent working-class politics in the 19th, a space of contestation between automobilists and those seeking to maintain it as a locale for the conduct of neighbourhood life in the 20th, the highway (as the 'information superhighway') is frequently invoked as a triumph of western liberal-capitalist democracy in the 21st.

The conference will include papers from any perspective in relation to the historical connections between human sociability and mobility, including:

* different kinds; from the transport of people to the mobility of goods, merchandise and ideas, from enforced movements to the discretionary consumption of mobility

* different periods; from mediaeval or earlier to the contemporary

* different scales; from large transport regimes to individual mobilities, from neighbourhood to global flows

* different actors; from mechanical technologies to human- and animal-powered mobilities

* different spaces; from developed to developing countries and transnational zones.

The Keynote Address - 'Home Lands: How Women's Movements Made the West'

The conference will open on the Thursday evening with a keynote address by Virginia Scharff, Professor of History and Director, Center for the Southwest, University of New Mexico. Currently Beinecke Senior Research Fellow, Lamar Center for the Study of Frontiers and Borders, Yale University, Professor Scharff is author or editor of five academic books, including Twenty Thousand Roads: Women, Movement, and the West (University of California Press, 2003) and Taking the Wheel: Women and the Coming of the Motor Age (Free Press, 1991). She also works as a consultant with museums and documentary film makers, as well publishing best-selling mystery novels under the pseudonym Virginia Swift.

Virginia Scharff's keynote address is based on her work over the past five years with the Autry National Center in Los Angeles on a museum exhibition and book titled Home Lands: How Women Made the West. The exhibition looks at three places in the American West, examining the ways in which women used a particular resource to claim that place as 'home' over hundreds, and in one case, thousands of years. One of those places is the region articulated around the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains, ultimately including the city of Denver, Colorado, and the resource examined is transportation. The project looks at the relation between women's history and the horse, the railroad and the motorcar, to discuss changes in cultural landscapes and social patterns. In each case, the mode of transportation shaped (and was shaped by) locals' and transients' notions about who belonged to the place, who had authority to determine what happened there, who had the right to claim the place as 'home' and on what terms.

The Department of History at the University of York enjoys a high reputation for its Cultural History Conferences with their emphasis on allowing ample time for presentations and discussion coupled with a lively social programme. This conference is organized in conjunction with the Institute of Railway Studies & Transport History, the Department's partnership since 1995 with the National Railway Museum. The Museum, one of the UK's leading tourist attractions, will be the main location for the conference, including an evening social event in one of the spectacular exhibition halls.

Please note that all participants will be expected to register for the conference. Registration fees are expected to be around £125, including all lunches and evening events, with a limited number of bursaries for students and others without institutional support. We intend to publish a selection of the papers as a edited book or as a special issue of a peer-reviewed journal. Further details will be posted at <> .

Conference: Frontiers: Space, Separation and Contact in the Middle East. British Society for Middle Eastern Studies Annual Conference 2009

University of Manchester - 4th to 6th July 2009

The 2009 BRISMES Annual Conference is to be hosted by the School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures at the University of Manchester from Friday 3rd to Sunday 5th July 2009. The theme of this year’s conference is ‘Frontiers: Space, Separation and Contact in the Middle East’. Given that the ‘spatial turn’ in the humanities and social sciences has not yet figured prominently at BRISMES Annual Conferences, the organisers think it timely that our attention shift to a more detailed debate of the question of ‘space’. Political and territorial frontiers in the Middle East have been a source of conflict and violence for millennia and continue to be so with acute topicality. However, while undoubtedly functioning as separators, borders have also always been zones of contact and exchange. Furthermore, the 2009 theme endeavours to embrace a notion of ‘frontier’ that goes far beyond mere geo-political implications by inviting thought and reflection on ‘frontiers’ at a whole host of levels, be they cultural, ideological or economic and as they relate to the study of art, philosophy, literature, religion and science etc. The organisers encourage proposals which explore any aspect of the above in any given historical period from pre-history to the present day. The conference theme has been chosen with the aim of stimulating debate and providing a particular focus; however, it is not meant to be exclusive. Hence, as always with BRISMES Annual Conferences, the 2009
conference is for all those conducting research relating to any field within Middle Eastern Studies.

Call for Papers. "Refugees: Lives Pushed to the Margins?"

The 6th Annual Forced Migration Student Conference organised by postgraduates and hosted by the Refugee Research Centre at the University of East London on Saturday the 25th and Sunday the 26th of April.

Living a life in the margins or a marginalised life is a recurrent trope in the field of forced migration studies. Throughout the whole refugee experience from persecution and flight to settlement and integration, refugees find themselves pushed to the margins and often excluded. The marginalisation of various categories of forced migrants brings into question the effectiveness of protection regimes. Livelihood strategies of forced migrants are formulated at the very margins of society, some of whom are compelled to do so 'outside' the law. How do refugees negotiate identities that help them to combat social exclusion? Adopting a reflexive gaze, as researchers and aspiring academics we must ask ourselves how considerable and pertinent are the dialogues of practitioners and academics? Is academia to be confined to the sidelines or can it be more engaged with forced migrants? In which ways can the study of forced migration be related to wider global issues?

The conference invites papers that fit within the broad theme of the conference and forced migration more generally. We solicit papers that converge on the following sub-themes of the conference: 1) Conversations and interdisciplinary dialogues (scholarly, policy,
practitioners, NGOs). 2) Sites of liminality and change (state; regional; local,
trans-national; familiar; individual) 3) Conversations in issue-areas (development; human rights; migration; security; post-conflict) 4) Sites of experience (gender; flight; re-settlement; camps; exclusion)

Postgraduate students (Masters/MPhil/PhD) are invited to submit abstracts for papers (no more than 250 words) and a personal profile (no more than 100 words). They should be sent, with full contact details, by 4pm on 26th January 2009 to:

Postdoctoral Conference on the Balkans

Thessaloniki, Greece, July 2009.

Conference website:

A detailed call for papers can be found under Research Track Three “Governance, Politics and Society” on the left hand side. The deadline for submission of the abstract is Sunday 15th February 2009. Submission format and deadlines are listed in the call for papers downloadable.

We invite papers from many different areas of the social sciences and encourage inter-disciplinarity. Please see the list below for a more detailed indication of areas of interest, many of which may be being pursued by members of this list. We are very keen to include a wide number of presentations from across the South East European region and the world with a Balkan focus from up and coming scholars.

Topics: EU Policy and Integration,International Relations, Migration, Public Administration,
Nations and Nationalism, Conflict and Peace, Geo-Politics, Regional Development Religiosity,
Ethnicity, Identity, Social Policy, Genocide Studies, Post-Socialist Transformation, Europeanization, Family and Community Life Intercultural Communication, Ethno-linguistics,
English as a Lingua Franca, English-Only Europe, The EU and Language, Language Testing,
Language Teaching Media Representation in the Balkans, Media Interaction and Globalization,
Media Governance, Media Commercialization, War Reporting Archiving of War Crimes, Media Freedom, Media Corruption

Sara Hannam, Senior Lecturer, Director English Language Support Unit, Humanities and Social Sciences Division, City Liberal Studies, Affiliated Institution of the University of Sheffield
Tsimiski 13, 54624, Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel: + 30 2310 224186 ext: 119
Fax: + 30 2310 287564

Leader: Research Track - Governance, Politics and Society, Coordinator: Culture and Politics Research Group, South East European Research Centre, SEERC
Mitropoleous 17, 54624, Thessaloniki, Greece. Website:

Invitation to Participate in the Online EWIC SCHOLARS DATABASE

The EWIC Authors Database ia an invaluable listing (we believe the largest) of over 3,000 scholars from all over the world and all disciplines whose work focuses on women, gender, and Islamic cultures.

The Author's database has been transformed into the EWIC Scholars Database which is now published, as a searchable database, available on line for free public access.

The new EWIC Scholars Template is easy to complete, just visit our site at and submit as much information as you wish. Only the new template that you submit at this time will be published. We believe scholars, students, publishers, NGO's, government agencies and many others will find this database very useful. Please join us in this exciting effort at networking.

Suad Joseph, University of California

New book: Landscapes of a New Cultural Economy of Space

Series: Landscape Series , Vol. 5
Terkenli, Theano S.; d'Hauteserre, Anne-Marie (Eds.)
2006, IX, 245 p., Hardcover
ISBN: 978-1-4020-4095-5

This book seeks to contribute to theoretical advances, analytical approaches and applied studies in the broader inter-disciplinary field of contemporary landscape transformation research.
The purpose of the book is to tie together various perspectives, insights and constructions pertaining to contemporary landscapes and landscape representations from different theoretical and methodological positions as well as from diverse geographical and historical contexts in order to elucidate and illustrate processes of cultural transformation inscribed in space. The unifying theme, as well as the main goal and prospective contribution of this book, then, lies in the exploration of these developing forces and characteristics of the new cultural economy of space in the contemporary landscape(s). The primary objective of bringing together in this book geographical perspectives from various subdisciplinary fields is to examine and discuss ways in which the complexities of this newly-emerging cultural economy of space are applied on various sorts of landscapes, i.e. urban and rural landscapes, landscapes of everyday life, landscapes of tourism and recreation, postcolonial and hybrid landscapes, landscapes of economic production, landscapes of the street and of public life, "national landscapes" and so on. The overarching question, thus, is: how do these processes work in different geographical contexts and contribute to place and landscape creation?
Our intention is to create a space for the development of landscape discourse(s) that accommodate(s) both theory and empirical findings as well as methodological issues and practical applications pertaining to the contemporary landscape(s), by examining trends, structures, technologies and practices defining and articulating this new cultural economy of space. Another goal is to identify and facilitate innovative debate and engagment between geography and other sciences researching landscape(s). It is hoped that this endeavor will generate many more questions and areas of inquiry pointing to new directions currently developing in the study of landscape(s) than the questions on the basis of which this task was undertaken here in the first place.

New book: migrating to America: Transnational Social Networks and regional Identity among Turkish Migrants. Dicarlo, L. 2008 (IB Tauris, London)

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